Benji Human

︎   ABOUT + CONTACT    ︎    DIRECTOR    ︎   ARTIST   ︎     PROCESS    ︎

Benji Human

︎   ABOUT + CONTACT    ︎    DIRECTOR     ︎
︎   ARTIST    ︎     PROCESS    ︎



Creative Director: Benji Human
Producers: Isra Al Kassi + Lois Stevenson
Commission: TAPE Collective

With support from the BFI, awarding funds from the National Lottery


I creative directed the artwork and animation for TAPE Collective’s new season of films - SNAPSHOT.
Stories of Black girlhood from around the world - rereleased classics, restored archives, new voices.
Go check out the features and shorts they’re putting on here.

I designed the logo, colour scheme, and posters for the season as well as animated the cinema ident. 


Stills from the animated idents

Poster Design

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