Benji Human

︎   ABOUT + CONTACT    ︎    DIRECTOR    ︎   ARTIST   ︎     PROCESS    ︎

Benji Human

︎   ABOUT + CONTACT    ︎    DIRECTOR     ︎
︎   ARTIST    ︎     PROCESS    ︎

Benji Human

Director + Artist
Based in London, England.




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I’m a director & artist who tells stories through film, illustration and comics.

My work explores alienation, survival, and the surrealism of everyday life. Both narrative and abstract, my approach to storytelling is shaped by science fiction, fantasy, and dark humour.

I work traditionally with pencil, ink, paint, and oil pastel — I hand draw my illustrations, then scan, and digitally colour them. As a filmmaker, I have a diy ethic, from making props to animating title design.

Worked with Smirnoff, VICE, V&A, Gal-dem, FADER, The National Portrait Gallery, Little Bee Books (Simon & Schuster) and more.

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